导读 | Apache OpenNLP 1.8.0 发布了,OpenNLP 是一个机器学习工具包,用于处理自然语言文本。支持大多数常用的 NLP 任务,例如:标识化、句子切分、部分词性标注、名称抽取、组块、解析等。 |
此版本带来了许多新功能、改进和错误修复。API 已经得到改进以获得更好的一致性,并且删除了许多不被赞同的方法。
- POS Tagger context generator now supports feature generation XML
- Add a Name Finder feature generator that adds POS Tag features
- Add CONLL-U format support
- Improve default Name Finder settings
- TokenNameFinderEvaluator CLI now support nameTypes argument
- Stupid backoff is now the default in NGramLanguageModel
- Language codes now are ISO 639-3 compliant
- Add many unit tests
- Distribution package now includes example parameters file
- Now prefix and suffix feature generators are configurable
- Remove API in Document Categorizer for user specified tokenizer
- Learnable lemmatizer now returns all possible lemmas for a given word and pos tag
- Lemmatizer API backward compatibility break: no need to encode/decode lemmas anymore, now LemmatizerME lemmatize method returns the actual lemma
- Add stemmer, detokenizer and sentence detection abbreviations for Irish
- Chunker SequenceValidator signature changed to allow access to both token and POS tag